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Circadian rhythm 

🌝🌙 Circadian rhythm it is a balance between your sleep and wake  cycle. There is data that shows there is increase risk of cancer among those who are night shift workers . Because they  have their circadian rhythm completely reversed. 

For ideal sleep, melatonin should be rising steadily and cortisol should be rock-bottom low at bedtime.  melatonin largely in response to darkness. Cortisol is lie the sun Melatonin is like the moon .Great healthy sleep cicle is important prevention strategy agains diseases . During restorative and restful sleep your body natural clean up crew  circulates 

The pace of modern life brings lots of anxiety to many of us . Anxiety by itself is enough reason to effect our sleep in significant amount : we all have had an experience of laying in bed thinking about our day , worrying about loved ones, concerned about work…  

Evening cortisol levels are lowest in environments with low noise.  Our addictions to TV,  email and a social media in the evening  can get in the way of  these natural melatonin production and be disruptive to the circadian rhythm , All electronic devices mostly display full-spectrum light which can confuse the brain about whether it’s night-time or not.. 

Cortisol is your body’s natural wake hormone, we want it to pick between 6-9am . 

Melatonin is your body’s natural hormone which put you to sleep . Cortisol and melatonin have an inverse relationship. Your cortisol is elevated when your melatonin is  at the lower level .  Cortisol starts to decrease around 3pm . This is when we normally feel tired  looking for a snack, cup of coffee .Your body naturally meant to wind down at this time . While cortisol starts naturally to deep around 6pm and melatonin starts to be produced around that time . Melatonin at this time is trying to relax you , to put you to sleep.  Good to know that Cortisol is secreted  every time we go through something stressful, including late gym workouts  How many of us do exercise at night.? Workouts at night can negatively impact cortisol-melatonin cicle .

In addition, Melatonin is powerful antioxidant , it is involved in managing immune fiction and regulating blood pressure. Restore, reset  your  circadian rhythm: keep bright happy lights in the morning, dim lights at night, no phone and electronics . 🌸🌞

Full spectrum of light first thing in the morning helps set the circadian rhythm: .🌳 Go outside , open your window or door; get light in your eyes by seeing the surroundings. 

Watching sunrise helps to boost our mood, reduce depression and inflammation, helps with sleep and circadian rhythm . Step outside in the morning, get your daily dose of nature’s power , beautiful energy for the day and inspiration.  🌖🌙

Spend some time outdoors in the evening. Take a walk.. sunsets walks prepare your body for a restful night.  The calming effect of the soft , warm colors is very therapeutic for your brain  encourages mindfulness, which helps alleviate stress.  Spending some time outside in the evening can be beneficial for sleep as you’re exposed to less artificial light , which can interfere with melatonin production- the hormone responsible for regulating sleep .

The Light and Dark exposure really essential for good health ! 🌼😊

Stay healthy.😍

Written by Marina Kotova Sept.2023

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